Thursday, June 14, 2007
Hello, friendlies!

Only one more day of work here at the office ---- I have to say that I am really going to miss this place. The people, the work (or sometimes lack thereof). I am very excited to be staying at home with my babies, though. I am trying not to get ahead of myself and planning too many things right away --- we need some home time! We are going to the zoo on Monday, and have the regular weekly appointments (Josh's speech therapy, etc), but other than that, I think we are going to keep things low-key for a while.
Last Saturday my brother and his wife threw a fabulous "Welcome to the family!" party for the kids. The weather was perfect, the food delicious, and, of course, wonderful family. The girls dressed up in princess dresses and twirled around the yard and we ate and opened the very thoughtful gifts people had brought the kids. Brandon took some really great photos that I hope will soon be hanging in our home -- like this one here -- Kayla (holding Blackie the kitten) and her new cousin Elizabeth.
I'll probably be away from this place for a while (unless I'm at my Mar's) while we're in transition mode. I plan on spending a lot of time at the library with the kids, but I don't know how easy it will be for me to use a computer there while I keep an eye on the kids! At any rate, I'll be around here and there and will update when I can!!
xoxoxox, happy Thursday everyone!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
So the big decision that I referred to in my last post is: I've given my boss two weeks notice in order to stay home full-time with the kids. My last day is the 15th!
A very big decision for us, since we have always been a two-income household & still have mounds of debt to pay. But we both believe this is the right thing to do -- for me to be able to be home with our children, especially right now, playing with them & reading with them. We have to scale things way back, and sell a few things (namely Brian's car!!), but we're convinced that God will bless this decision and will continue to provide for us. I am still very interested in working from home, but what I would like to do will take a lot of time/money/effort.
There were a lot of factors in this decision, and I struggled with it for a while, but I'm happy! Scared, but happy.
Requesting prayers for: lots of patience for me & for the kids and financial wisdom.
A very big decision for us, since we have always been a two-income household & still have mounds of debt to pay. But we both believe this is the right thing to do -- for me to be able to be home with our children, especially right now, playing with them & reading with them. We have to scale things way back, and sell a few things (namely Brian's car!!), but we're convinced that God will bless this decision and will continue to provide for us. I am still very interested in working from home, but what I would like to do will take a lot of time/money/effort.
There were a lot of factors in this decision, and I struggled with it for a while, but I'm happy! Scared, but happy.
Requesting prayers for: lots of patience for me & for the kids and financial wisdom.