Thursday, April 24, 2008

day tripping

tomorrow we are headed to indianapolis for a quick overnight visit with brian's mom & stepdad. they live in ok, but are in town on business and since they haven't met the little tyke yet, we figured we should hop on over there and let them have some grandparent bonding time. we'll be leaving after josh's afternoon dentist appointment and coming home saturday night, so we have time to prepare for the baptisms on sunday. busy weekend!
we enjoyed a trip from kd yesterday. she SAYS it was to visit all of us, but i know she just wanted to cuddle my sweet jovie :o) we went to dinner and spent some serious cash at gymboree!
more later...

Friday, April 18, 2008

good times.

just enjoying quality time with the family today -- brian has the next few fridays off, so we're making them family fun days. today we're flying kites and having a picnic. we have been so fortunate to be able to spend so much time together -- i know plenty of families who barely see each other and i'm so glad we make family time a priority ... and that includes extended family.
we are most likely having all three children baptized next week, the 27th, and we are so excited! we wanted to wait until the adoption was finalized, but since we have no idea when that will be, we've decided to go ahead and have kayla & josh baptized at the same time as jovie. i think it will be a very memorable day for our family!

keeping in our prayers:
angie & her undiagnosed pain
elizabeth & her sickness
eric & kim
matt & alice on the birth of their son, cade
mindy & brandon for a fun time in g.r.
my sister in law tammy

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


kids on easter

Thursday, April 03, 2008

jovie bryn -- my little chubbers!

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