Tuesday, July 26, 2005


So . . . we had a lovely, relaxing vacation! We spent most of the time either in the Gulf or the pool. Gramma, Uncle Jeff and Aunt Carol made everything very comfortable and welcoming for us. We ate a lot of good food and went out on Uncle Jeff's boat and most importantly, relaxed. It was so nice to just lay around and not really have anything to do. I didn't wear my watch even once while we were gone. The only problem I had was that nobody in Florida knows how to make good lemonade! What's up with that!
Brian ended up having to fix something on our car while we were gone, but it didn't take too long and wasn't very expensive to replace. I only read three books - Murder on the Orient Express, Morality for Beautiful Girls, and The Sunday Philosophy Club. I also started my biography on John Adams. (I changed up my reading list quite a bit!) Anyway, we had a fabulous time, but now it's back to the real world!
Brian started working at Dillin this morning - the engineering company he used to work for. He's temporary (probably 50 hrs a wk) at least through the end of August, so that gives us some financial relief for the time being. He also sent out a bunch of resumes this week, so we're hoping he hears from some of those places soon.
Yesterday was Jonah's 5th birthday! We all went out to Gramma & Grampa Tegtmeier's for a pool party to celebrate and poor Amelia got stung by a wasp. Logan and Laken's adoption is final the end of the month (maybe even now?) and they are the greatest kids. Logan reminds me of Matt and Laken is the sharpest little girl I've ever met . . . she doesn't miss a thing.
Mar and Dad are coming over for supper tonight, so I gotta leave here so's I can get home and clean.
This weekend should be good - we have Mud Hens tickets for Sunday, and Dad (Fred) might take us out on the boat Saturday down the docks for supper! Yay!

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