Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Our weekend went by super-fast . . . Brian didn't get home on Saturday until about 1, and I had a big birthday lunch waiting for him. He opened all of his presents and then we took a nap. (I had gotten up @ 5am with him and hadn't fallen back to sleep! I did manage to get a ton of errands done, though!) After that we picked up Chad and went out to Mar's so she could give Brian his gift, and then we headed down to the Rib-Off to meet up with Bohnsack. Delicious ribs and funnel cakes were had by all. Then we went to the Durty Bird and Frickers... and we attempted going to Bijou, but a private party had it rented.
Anyway . . . Sunday we went on a picnic with the boys out to Maumee Bay - it was so nice. We hung out with Mar for a while and then went to see Wedding Crashers - absolutely HYSTERICAL. Crude and without morals, but funny nonetheless. (That's so sad.)
Last night after work we went down to Adele's and had pizza & cake with her and Bonnie G. It was nice catching up with them. Bonnie is moving soon and we will miss her dreadfully.
So tonight we are going out to Mar's, then to G&G's - it's been a week since we've been there and I have not even called my Grammy. I am an awful granddaughter.
I'm here @ Noral by myself and it's nice and quiet upstairs. I have a bunch of work to do today, but I am also attempting to find a replacement job (not for this job - I love it too much to leave), so Bonnie and I will be spending some time on that, too.
Okay, back to work.

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