Thursday, August 18, 2005

Well, the last few days have been not-so-nice. We're trying to figure out a lot of stuff and making some difficult decisions about money, kids, jobs, etc. Coming up with cost-cutting ideas has probably been the hardest thing. We'll be giving up at least one of our cellphones - maybe both, depending on if we can get a home phone for cheaper than just one of our cellphones would cost. Also I'm going to try to sell my car and get something else, probably an older model Honda. We turned off our a/c last night and hope we'll be able to go the rest of the summer without having to turn it back on. We've got a fan, 3 windows and a screen door, so we'll see how it goes. I think we'll be taking a lot of cold showers! Aaaannnnddd . . . tonight after work we're going out to Point Place to look at a house . . . some guy at Dillin owns it and he and his wife would like to rent it to us for $75 less a month than we're paying right now. I'm not sure if we'll be able to get out of our lease or not, but there's no harm in trying.
So we're just praying everything works out . . . the thing we have to keep in mind is praying that it works out for God's glory, not just so we're happy . . . it can be difficult to keep that perspective - but we're trying!

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