Saturday, September 17, 2005


i watched an episode of britney and kevin: chaotic this morning.

i feel infinitely more stupid.

aww you are going to go to hell now


umm. i'm tired.
i know. atleast they named their kid something normal.
you know who's even dumber? this guy i saw on a show called "K-9 Karma" which of course, does not exist to begin with. But this dude..he has a jack russel terrier and he thinks the dog is actually an ARTIST. AN ARTIST. wow. yeah. it's not like the friggin dog actually paints or something.. no no...he scratches and bites on a canvas that's attached to a plastic wrap-type thing that has paint on it's like a carbon copy deal..yeah..the dog SCRATCHES and BITES. it's called "BEING A FRIGGIN DOG".
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