Thursday, October 20, 2005

them were the good ol' days

when brandon would post funny things on my blog

or call me and ask me if i wear shoes

"this is jack from jack shoes .... do you wear shoes? what kind of shoes do you wear? what size feet do you have? where do you live?"

or send me a letter full of clip art, like a volcano, or horses, or a picture of a castle with the caption "this is our new home"

SOMETIMES he would even take me to mrs. field's and buy me a samwich and a cookie, if i was good

and always, always would let me rent movies, especially harrison ford movies

"If what you want isn't washed up on this beach, you probably don't need it. " - Allie Fox

we would stand in line for hours at garrett's, just aching for a taste of their cheddar caramel corn

when we would be walking down the street, in the middle of the night, in downtown chicago, we would laugh when mindy tried attacking the poor homeless men

"hey man, why dontcha gimme one of them little ladies you got there... whaddya need two for"

when he would tell me that i'm his favoritest little sister in the woooorld

when he would tell me "after your sister and your mother and your grandmother... you're the best cook i know"

when i'd stay with them and we'd all be laughing and he'd say "i'm not sure if you're funnier late at night, or in the morning"

(turns out i'm funnier at NIGHT)

when i'd go christmas shopping for mindy with him

we'd stay up late watching letterman, or snl or cheers reruns (mindy always konked out early)

OH OH OH... when we'd email each other long chain letters, starting with "i am a 9 yr old boy and i live in kuala lampur and i have no arms or no donkey..."


why you want to attack a homeless man?
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PROSTITUTE GARDENS!! i can't believe i forgot that!!!!!!!!!
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Hey, Sare, I'm touched. I see I've left an impression on you.

Those were the good ole days. Don't forget prostitute gardens in Chicago, how could you forget that!!!

Sorry about not posting on your blog lately. I was on my way to do it last Tuesday and I accidently took a wrong turn. Happens all the time, although, I usually go through McDonald's first. I like their fries.

When you come out to visit next month, I'll have to make up for it.

Oh and the homeless man had it coming. :)
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