Friday, December 02, 2005


Like I've said before, I'm not sure why I glance at the Baylyblog ... but I do on rare occasions, and with every new post, my concern grows for the authors and also for their readers. The post I'm commenting on here now is one that is bothersome to me ... "The Fine Art of Dumpster Diving." Right off the bat it sounded harmless, but as I continued reading, one thing jumped out at me - the author of this post is promoting theft. I myself may have found an old piece of furniture sitting along side the road and found it charming enough to pick up - but that is why people place things at their curb instead of junking it - thus the "FREE STUFF" signage. When stores throw things into the dumpsters behind their buildings, they are throwing it away ... outdated food, books, furniture, whatever it may be. Just because it is in a dumpster does not make it a free-for-all. I don't think we should be teaching our children that it is okay to go scrounging around in other people's belongings to take what we want. I would be first in line if a store was giving something away, but to toss your kids into a dumpster to pick through moldy fruits and past-the-expiration-date-yogurt simply because you don't want to pay for it, in my opinion, is wrong. Even if you have permission from a store manager to pick through their trash doesn't make it right - the items don't belong to the store manager. Nor do they belong to you. I see thievery here, and maybe I'm wrong ... but this is my blog and my opinion.

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