Thursday, February 09, 2006

I hate not having a camera!!

I think we need a digital camera. Does anybody know of a nice, really inexpensive one?

Your best bet it ebay, or if you can wait the year out, buy the newest Kodak Easy Share at Walmart after Thanksgiving. They usually dicount it around 40% so people will come and buy other items. We got the latest Easy Share for like $209 this past Christmas season and it retails now for over $300.

Or, you could be old fashioned and buy lots of 35mm film.
Oooo ... I didn't even think about eBay. I checked a few out at, but I don't really know anything about cameras, so I'm didn't know the best kind to get ... nothin' fancy.
HEY! ... how are you?
You should as your brother, Eric.
yeah um... the last time i did anything with a camera was when i was taking my police photography class ... 3 years ago. i've pretty much forgotten everything.
Sary, we got our Polaroid at Circuit City for $99 and it has been pefectly functional. Definitely not professional, but great for bloging. My only real complaint has been that the flash is too bright.
Oo! That would work nicely .... thanks Rachel!
We've been great. This is my last real semester of taking a full-full load of classes. Jen's been busy with work and we still don't see each other much except on the weekends.
Ummm...what else...I'm still too busy with 2 jobs and my internship. I hope things slow down after this May.
oh yes ... i remember the days of never seeing my spouse! i'm glad things are going well for you guys ... when's jen going to post something about her trip to south africa? i'm dying to hear about it!
I need to set that up...she wants to put a blog together with a lot of the pics and a day to day diary thing....I'd better get cranking.
yeah that'd be awesome ... start working on it!
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