Friday, March 23, 2007

happy 24th birthday to me.

tomorrow i'll be waking up and having coffee & egg souffles with my sweetie, then spending the rest of the day with our kids, maybe at the zoo, maybe at the park, maybe at home. most definitely eating cupcakes.

(happy 35th anniversary to my darling parents, on sunday!)

Enjoy what will very possibly be one of the last leisurely breakfasts you will have in about 18 years. Eat a cupcake for me! Thanks for the wishes.
oh shoot. happy belated birthday.
happy belated birthday from the Vendsels, too!! Sounds like it was a very nice day.

So... fill me in a little more on your kids situation! This picture of Josh above is too cute! Are you officially taking care of the little guys at home now? What's the scoop? Will be keeping you in prayer.

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