Thursday, April 19, 2007

2 years and counting...

My blog recently celebrated it's 2nd birthday. Honestly, it's probably not a big deal to most, but I've rarely stuck with anything for that long, so it is to me!
Apologies for the sporadic posting --- we're still trying to get the lay of the land over at the Stroll home and when I get to work (the only place I post), I just try to get my work done & research that I've been *meaning* to do. The next 6 weeks or so are going to be crazy for us (like for most people finishing out the school year, preparing for Summer, etc) -- we have 24 hrs of training we have just been scheduled for, doctor's appointments, speech therapy appointments, we're hosting B's mom & stepdad for 4 days (next week), and a trip to Philly for Bran's graduation. We're also trying to tie up a few loose ends with some things, and we are in (aren't we always?? yes, but I have to say this might be the worst!) a serious, serious financial crunch.
Mostly I've been reading the Virginia Tech news online, or listening on the radio, trying to make sense of senseless deaths. It's hard to know what to pray for, except comfort for families and peace for victims.

Happy birthday, Strolling! You're right--2 years of effort from you is worth celebrating! :o)

You might have better finances if you stopped sending sisters random gifts just for funsies. (But we do love them, yes we do.) Hang in there--you have lots going on and all stuff that will take time to work through.

I've spent all week on campus and it is soberly to look at all these students and count how many were killed in VA. Like many other universities, Samford had a prayer service today. They put up a large memorial wreath of white lilies on the steps in front of the library where people can go to pray for the victims' families. These are the times that I love being part of a campus community.
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