Wednesday, May 16, 2007

a late Mother's Day.

As I celebrated my first Mother's Day this past Sunday, and even now, as I sit at my desk and look at photos of the beautiful children God has entrusted to me, I think of all the women I know who struggle(d) with infertility and decisions to embrace a different life God has planned for them. I pray for these women, for comfort, peace and joy in the life God has given them, and for hope.
Infertility is still very much a part of my daily life, even with Kayla and Josh around. I still long to have a child that is mine; that will grow in my womb, to experience pregnancy, to hear a newborn cry. Everytime I hear of someone I know being pregnant, somehow it always seems I lose a little bit more hope. And so I pray for patience and hope for me, too. And while I may never hold a baby in my arms that will have Rice eyes and the curly Stroll hair, I am so, so grateful for my children, to have become the mother of Kayla Cadence and Joshua Samuel Quinn. We may not share DNA, but I couldn't love them more, even if I had given birth to them.

To My Mom, and to her Mom -- you both are inspiring Mothers & I love you!

Bless you, my child.
And happy first Mother's Day to you, Seester! (Hope you got my special card.) What a beautiful and sensitive post---thank you. Uncle Brandon and I are so looking forward to getting to know your two little joys over the summer.
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