Saturday, September 08, 2007

My appointment went very well on Tuesday -- while at my last visit, it took my doctor a while to find the heartbeat, but this time as soon as she put the Doppler to my belly, we heard it -- woosh, woosh, woosh. I love that sound so much and I wished she would have just held it there for the rest of the visit. Anyways, I'm measuring properly and she said everything seems hunky-dory. Brian seems to think there are two babies -- mostly it is wishful thinking and the fact that multiples run rampant on his side of the family (and I was in twin in the womb for a while). I asked her about multiples & she said that she wouldn't put it past me, given all of our circumstances, but we probably wouldn't know for a while, maybe another month or two (when we have our first ultrasound). My guess is just one little baby, and that's good enough for me!! (Oh, and it turns out that Katie & I are due the same week! Weird, huh!)
Yesterday Grandma, Mar, Mindy and I had tea in the solarium at the Manor House @ Wildwood Park and it was so nice. We had little sandwiches and decadent desserts and listened to the pianist. Unfortunately, this was the last tea until next Spring, but we have something to look forward to for next year.
I have totally blanked out on what else I was going to post, so I'll close for now.

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